Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

What is it about the movie Slumdog Millionaire that catches people's heart? It received 81 international awards for so many reasons. I haven't watch it, my mum has already watched it. One thing interest me most...the opportunist that uses kids without parents (most parents are slaughtered alive) for a syndicate...beggar business.

I'm sure you have heard before of children being amputated in knees and arms, or being blinded using concentrated acids to be an 'effective' beggar. This story is about it...
One of the heart wrenching dialogue: "It's okay Jamal, that I can't see...but they give me food to eat".
I don't have the guts to watch it yet. It changes my mom's intention of going to India to visit my sis, Sara. It must have put an impact on her...for basic needs, they are willing to let go one of their body parts...I lamented for those who has such fate.

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